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Page history last edited by Grian/Lee 16 years, 3 months ago

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NOTE TO ALL MEMBERS: Please do not edit any page other than the Group Pages and your own member page. Also, please don't delete any images from the files section unless you are 100% positive that you are the one who uploaded them. Thanks a bunch!


This is the classroom designed for the education of Circle of the Green. Members pursuing initiations can find the materials they need to complete their studies on these pages. Be sure to read everything and don't be afraid to ask questions.


You can also find group projects such as events being planned linked to this page. All members are free to edit these pages with their ideas, suggestions, comments, etc. Also note that each page has a comments fucntion attached to it. Look at the top of each page to see the button that reads "comments". Click it to post your thoughts on the contents of the page, make suggestions, or otherwise connect with members.


You can get your own page on our wiki. Just send Lee an email and she'll create a page for you. With the password you can edit your page to your heart's content. You can fill it up with your journal entries, post your course work, or anything you'd like to share. It's super simple to use and fun.




The Book of Tridea

The complete text is available in Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF versions below.


The Book of Tridea.doc

The Book of Tridea.pdf



Course Files


Courses and Wiki FAQ

Hopefully all of your questions regarding both the course and this wiki will be answered on this page.



Circle of the Green - Members Packet07.doc

Dedicant Curriculum.doc

Dedicant Quiz.doc


Dedicant Education Files.zip

Download all the files in one batch to keep on your own computer.



First Degree Education Files

Everything you need to complete your studies towards First Degree Initiation. Includes the curriculum, reading lists, assignments, quizzes, etc.


First Degree Education Files.zip

Download all the files in one batch to keep on your own computer.



Tentative Second Degree Curriculum

Second Degree Reading Assignments (Incomplete)



eCauldon.com - Online Books

Internet Sacred Text Archive

Anne Baring's Website (more writings available)

Jules Cashford's Website (more writings available)

Sacred Texts: Hymn to Kali

Gaia An Image for our Time by Jules Cashford.doc

Rebalancing the Masculine and the Feminine by Anne Baring.doc

Rebalancing the Psyche Integrating the Feminine Principle Body Soul and Spirit by Anne Baring.doc

Religion from Nature not Archaeology by Starhawk.doc

Symbolism as the Language of the Imagination by Jules Cashford.doc

The Lunar and Solar Hero by Anne Baring.doc

The Moon Myth and Transformation by Jules Cashford.doc



Group Pages

Everyone who remembers the password can have access to these pages. It's just like editing a word document. Anyone can suggest a topic for study or a group project. Try to refrain from mundane chatter. Let's treat these pages like whiteboards/chalkboards where we can work together successfully as a group; exchanging ideas and coming up with results.


 Circle of the Green Calender



Member Pages

If you're a member of Circle of the Green you can also have your own page to post your thoughts, insights, questions, ideas, etc. Just ask Lee. Be respectful and do not edit anyone's page but your own. If you happen to mistakenly edit someone else's page get in touch with Lee and it will be fixed.


 Wendy's Page


 Sandi's Page


 Janeane's Page


 Janet's Page


 Susan's Page


 Missy's Page 





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